Digit Recognizer, University of Pittsburgh
Sep 2018 – Dec 2018
Project description
- Correctly identified digits from a dataset of tens of thousands of handwritten images.
- Implemented computer vision fundamentals including simple neural networks and some classification methods.
- Tools: Python, R and Excel
Visualization Analysis using Python, University of Pittsburgh
Sep 2018 – Dec 2018
Project description
- Explored and found various data patterns from the datasets.
- Datasets were visually displayed for better analysis.
- Tools: Python, MATLAB and Excel
Rental Dashboard, University of Pittsburgh
Sep 2018 – Dec 2018
Project description
- Constructed a web-based framework to access rental market in the state of Pennsylvania.
- The application was developed to serve as an intermediary between tenants and house owners throughout their contact period, starting from initial inquiries till the completion of an agreement.
- Implemented with wireframe to a clickable prototype.
E-commerce Website, University of Pittsburgh
Jan 2018 – Apr 2018
Project description
- Constructed an E-commerce website for purchase of electronics and accessories.
- Created relational schema, MySQL DDL statements considering the functional dependencies and DML Statements, that can handle shopping orders from customers and designed front end using CSS and PHP.
- Tools: MySQL Workbench and PHPMyAdmin
House Prices: Advanced regression techniques, University of Pittsburgh
Jan 2018 – Apr 2018
Project description
- Predicted sales price of each residential homes from the given dataset of houses in Ames and Iowa.
- Practiced feature engineering and some advanced regression techniques and gradient booster.
- Tools: Python, GeNie, Excel and tetra
Modelling Snow dynamics using a Bayesian Network, University of Pittsburgh
Jan 2018 – Apr 2018
Project description
- Remodelling and proposing a suitable model for snow accumulation and melt using Dynamic Bayesian Network by including the concepts of physics into consideration for accurate output.
- Tools: GeNie, Python and Excel